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De eerstvolgende workshop is op zaterdag 19 april 2025.

The big advantage of the DC-Car system is that it can easily be used on existing model runways that are equipped with a well-functioning Faller Car System infrastructure. So it is compatible, without heel and break work. The cars can drive completely independently, in the basic equipment. However, it is also possible to steer the cars automatically in an easy way. How to do that can be read later.

First, something about number and letters:

The DC-Car decoder has a large amount of on-board features as well as a number of interesting additional options. The figure 04, 05 or 06 in the decoder type indicates the generation. Several versions of these decoders are available. Let's start by looking at the parts that are present in the DC-Car decoder, we do this based on the current DC05SI decoder. This decoder is the most comprehensive version. The S stands for "Voltage Converter on board". The | stands for "Infrared receiver on board". From the foregoing, you can already distil the fact that there are also versions without voltage converter and infrared receiver. The build-up of the DC-Car decoder: The DC05SI consists of the following components:

  • DCC decoder
  • Voltage converter
  • Anti collision system with automatic brake light
  • Speed control
  • Steering for lighting, direction indicators, flashing lights and other functions
  • Reedcontact and Hallsensor entrance
  • Battery test
  • Detection of commands of function building blocks
  • Automatic functions for bus, fire brigade, etc.
  • Light sensor input for automatic control of the lighting

And recently a function has been added

Control of 2 servos (this allows the cars to be controlled and they have actually become RC (Remote Controlleded) models. Who no longer drive through the FCS system. But… of course, other, moving, functions can also be realized with it.)

The DC-Car decoder is therefore similar to a DCC locomotive decoder. However, it has other functions, which are necessary for a realistic road behaviour of a car. Everything you need to digitally steer a car is in the DC-Car decoder. What's minimum needed for the DC-Car system: To drive according to the DC-Car system, at least the following components are required:

  • The DC-Car decoder with (built-in) voltage converter and infrared receiver
  • A car suitable for the Faller Car System
  • Photo transistors at the front of the car
  • Infrared LEDs on the rear of the car

This can of course be extended to your heart's content with the lighting, sound, servo controlled functions etc. Depending on the type of vehicle, this can be from quite simple to quite complicated with strobes, flashing lights and steerable nozzles. It is recommended to connect at least the brake lights. This allows a piece of communication to take place to the outside world during the programming of the decoder.

Static models can also be improved with the DC-Car decoder. Because the digital central lighting can be switched on and off. For static models, only the decoder is needed so without voltage converter or IR receiver. The current is involved from the digital signal.

Other applications include, for example, a tram (equipped with DC-Car decoder) that drives through the streets together with cars. Collisions are prevented by the Anti Collision System.

Control capabilities

There is a fundamental difference between traffic on the road and traffic on the tracks. A block system is used for rail traffic to prevent trains from colliding, and in the case of road traffic this is regulated by the drivers, at least usually. The block system for trains is relatively easy to replicate in model. For realistic road traffic, there was no nice solution before the arrival of the DC-CAR system. We see that FCS cars often drive in a block system. At best acceptable if the blocks are not too long. But really realistic is this way of traffic in model is not. But as has already been said with the DC-Car system, this is a major step forward. The DC-Car system provides an infrared distance measurement. Each car looks ahead to see if there is a predecessor while simultaneously sending out an infrared signal encrypted was the speed of the car. If a predecessor comes into view, the DC-Car decoder will detect this and read the speed of its predecessor. After this, the car will automatically brake, with the brake lights on. The speed is also adjusted to that of its predecessor. With the DC-Car system it is therefore possible to drive a real traffic jam and all without using a PC with software. Stops the first car for e.g. a railway tree will then neatly connect everything that follows. When the trees are opened, the cars will move up realistically one after the other. However, due to the infrared receivers at the front of the cars, it is also possible to send commands to the cars so that they can be controlled from the outside. We distinguish the following ways of managing:

  • Self-driving cars without outside steering
  • Self-driving cars with (http[automatisch functies]://www.miniatuura.nl/phpBB/blog.php/?p=49)
  • Control via short distance Infrared control d.m.v.de ([ Functiebouwsteen]http://www.miniatuura.nl/phpBB/blog.php/?p=51) for the automatic performance of functions such as direction indicator lighting etc.
  • Control over short distance up to 20 cm) Infrared control by a DCC Central (possibly via a enclosed PC)
  • Long-distance (up to 5 meters) Infrared control by the DC-Car Booster and a DCC Central (possibly via a connected PC)