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De eerstvolgende workshop is op zaterdag 19 april 2025.

With this system, the spiritual father of the DC-Car system, Claus Illchmann, has been anticipating the reality of every day for years.

In the 1:1 reality, inmiddles all car brands are concerned with these types of systems. For example, Volvo has developed a system called Adaptive Cruise Control with Distance Alert. In short, the driver is alerted if a collision is imminent or, one step further, the car intervenes itself to avoid a collision.

This last functionality has been around the DC-Car system since 2005……

Claus describes the effect as follows:

The basic principle for the DC-Car Anti Collision System consists of the fact that the predecessor says to the rear mount: "I'll drive for you". In real life, a driver sees what his predecessor is doing and reacts to lighting up the brake lights. The driver's eyes are in the DC-Car system, replaced by two infrared photocells. The brake lights have been supported by two infrared LEDs. These LEDs emit the speed at which the car drives. A car on the back "sees" by receiving an infrared signal that a car is driving in front of it and also gets information by what speed this car is driving. If necessary, the decoder intervenes and will adjust the speed to that of the predecessor. If the car has to brake, the brake lights, as in real life, will also light up.*

Let's take a ride, as long as both cars have enough distance, nothing will happen.

As soon as they approach each other too close, the driver will have to react. In reality, the driver sees whether the predecessor is slow or stationary. That's exactly what the Anti Collision System does.

The driver will at least brake, so will the DC-Car decoder.

When the predecessor is stationary, the driver will slow down to a standstill, so will the DC-Car decoder.

Then the driver lights a cigarette, the DC-CAR decoder can't.

We're going to drive again:

The driver reverses the bend and suddenly sees a car in front of him. He scares and hats and slams on the brakes. Maybe a little harder than it needs to be. That's what the DC-Car decoder does.

We drive on:

The driver approaches a slower vehicle, slows down and follows it remotely, because he is in a hurry he always gets too close and has to brake again, you will probably recognize that. This is also what the DC-Car decoder does the same way.

Traffic jam on the roadway:

The predecessor is slowly creeping forward. However, his car is too fast in first gear, he has to brake again and even stop completely, until they start driving again. That's what the DC-Car decoder does.

Pulling up at a green traffic light:

The predecessor is moving in. Our driver is still a bit of a scare in mind and then drives off as well. The DC-Car decoder will do the same.

You can see that the DC-Car system is a very realistic representation of reality, so the following situations are possible:

-traffic jam driving as in "real" traffic

-stops a car, then the pursuers stop too.

-pulls this car up again, then the pursuers pull up as well. The pursuing car adjusts its speed to that of its predecessor. If the predecessor is out of sight, the car will slowly move again until its original speed is reached again.

This is briefly the operation of the Anti Collision System. In my view, the DC-Car system is the solution that best approaches the 1:1 reality.